Something to play with.

The Witches of Tilebury
Corrine Celia and others
Rumours of witchcraft in Tilebury have been common since the Elisabethan era. A collection of horror stories tells some of these tales.
The Hamilton Ross Mysteries
Ian Ross
Mysteries and whodunnits with the dry wit of the hands-on investigator, Hamilton Ross. Crime.
Armando Perigee Festoon
The frenzy of Snufflebums lollops its own way around the village getting into trouble. Fables.
Comic Horror
Corrine Celia
Zombies and the undead and so on. Doing bad things (mostly). Horror(-ish).
Gwenda and the Purple Dragon
Armando Perigee Festoon
Gwenda is not scared of the purple dragon and decides to prove it. To be fair, the purple dragon isn't that scared of her either. Fable.