Tilebury Horoscope
A reading for the season of Spring
An insight into the future and the present from Epona.
1 April

Sagittarius (the horse)
December 17 - January 20
Like the strongest stallion racing through the year, Sagittarians feel only the excitement of the wind rushing through their manes and the flick of long grasses on their ankles this spring. The coming months are exciting and full of growth and opportunity. Sagittarians will want to grab them and everything in them with both hands. They will succeed. Nothing is enough for Sagittarians this spring.

Capricorn (the goat)
January 21 - February 16
The days are lengthening and Capricorn's patience is shortening. The rising sap and budding new growth will leave them with mixed feelings. Too much pleasure and frolicking annoy them. But more growth means more to eat. They want others to get out the way so they can get on. Unfortunately, too many joggers and tourists, street venders and salesmen will mean they spend the season on edge.

Aquarius (the water nymph)
February 17 - March 11
Lighter evenings will give Aquarians time to cogitate and muse. But their deep throughts will be too often disturbed, ruined and lost by the bustle and impatience of the year's constant interference. The cold natural dawns will reinvigorate them but there is too much mayhem in the firmament for them to be truly relaxed.

Pisces (the mermaid)
March 12 - April 18
Up and down and round and round. One minute high and another low. This is the time of change in an inconsistent year and change, constant irreconcilable flux, is the quintessence of Pisces. Like a freezing April shower thrown suddenly from a clear blue sky or a warming lull in the icy winds of a sunny day, Pisceans will freeze and thaw at an electric rate throughout the season.

Aries (the ram)
April 19 - May 13
The ram will break free this spring. He will charge and butt and gouge and ram. His anger is boiling and roiling and he is spoiling for a fight. Nothing is safe. Nothing can be said to calm or tame him. A second is too long to wait. There is so much energy in this sign this year that no chains will bind Arians down. Only only thing to do is flee.

Taurus (the bull)
May 14 - June 21
The slow burn continues. Taurus is not happy with disorder and this spring will not be orderly. Other signs will make sure of that. Powerful muscles will flex and moods will darken. No civil words can be expected from Taureans but at least for most of the season no words are likely. Taciturn. That is the word. Dissatisfied, dour, stern, miserable and judgemental.

Gemini (the sisters)
June 22 - July 20
There is an odd sense of optimism in this sign this spring. If the evenings are warm the sisters may be seen sneaking from their holes and flitting from their secret places to other secret places. Plans may be made. Useful tools and equipment may be hidden at the back of cupboards and in hollowed out tree trunks. They are not ready to do anything yet - they are still disquieted by the anger and unpredictability of the stars and the other signs. But something imaginative may now start to take shape for later in the year.

Cancer (the worm)
July 21 - August 10
Healthy growth on the agenda. Even the destructive signs are focusing their energy on anger rather than damage or decay. Cancer has little to feed upon. Not enough angles are being generated to feed their opportunism. They will feel the powerkeg around them filling and will poke and prod to get a reaction. But, for the moment, things are not being broken and their efforts will therefore need to be directed to building their own tiny empires of rot.

Leo (the cat)
August 11 - September 16
Leo will have fed well and feathered her nest. She will dismiss the petty concerns of others and their internal turmoils will mean nothing to her. Because her mind will be on love. On her own terms of course. She will saunter and sashay and slink up to her chosen victims. She will coo with sweet tones and giggle and flirt and play. Leo is irresistable when she wants to be. And she does want to be. Oh yes.

Virgo (the priestess)
September 17 - October 30
By now Virgo will have got the idea. Like a loyal veteran she will reach behind the fireplace for her sword and buckle up her armour for the fight. She does not like to see the world unravel. And her reaction to the frayed edges which are already obvious in this year of variation and conflict will be to stand up and be counted. But be wary of good people trying to do good things. Fortune is not with Virgo at this time and her efforts may well backfire.

Libra (the dreamer)
October 31 - November 23
A single look at the world, a sniff of the breeze, a toe in the muddied waters will remind Libra that everything is wrong for them this year. They will go hide beneath their duvets. And they will be right. Any effort of any sort made by Libra this year will fail absolutely and plunge them into the depths of self-loathing and defeat. At some point one of the less thoughtful signs might ask where all the librans have gone. Or they might not.

Scorpio (the beetle)
November 24 - November 29
This spring Scopios will be trying to change the world (again). Poker faced and resilient they will not shy away from the difficult questions or the difficult answers. And there is plenty of difficulty to deal with. They will absorb the brickbats and clods of earth which are (metaphorically) flying through virtually every conversation this year. And they will volunteer and found charities and focus groups. Or simply devote themselves to unnecessary DIY.

Ophiuchus (the snake)
November 30 - December 17
I can almost hear Ophiuchus laughing from the stars. A nasty sibilant kind of snigger. The stage is perfectly set for them. Just a little stirring and a little provocation is all it takes and fireworks will explode for their entertainment. Set one sign against another with the whispering of halftrue words and the field will quickly clear for them to help themselves to any spoils they may care for. But it is all in the fight for Ophiuchus who will love the alignment of the stars this season.
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