Meet our authors.

Ian Ross
The author of two novels with a distinctly amoral flavour and a number of whodunit crime stories, Ian deals in criminal genius and semi-amoral heroes who almost (or some times do) get away with intricate evasions and plots. Ian is the author of the J Hamilton Ross mysteries featuring our cool rational and energetic investigator's solutions to murder and mayhem.
Kirsten Krone-Wilson
Kirsten writes like she talks - straight from the shoulder and laced with irony and understanding. She is not one to be patient with fluff or artifice but behind her blunt humour is the kindness and tolerance which is necessary in a bar owner. She owns and runs the Ship Inn with her husband Lucas Wilson.

Corrine Celia
A writer of horror and fearful fantasy - both frightening and humorous. Corrine has been devouring occult stories (and who knows what else) for decades and is as familiar with witches, sprites and green men as she is with the price of milk. Corrine's stories are never quite straightforward. She is the author of the Witches of Tilebury series and has been commended in the 2015 To Hull and Back
competition for her comic short story, Biking to find the Boy
Alicia Elfston
A serious and earnest writer, whose dedication to truth and the underlying feminine nature of existence has led her to produce insightful and energetic prose which can enliven and elevate even the indifferent. She has won prizes for her flash fiction.

Armando Perigee Festoon
The writer of many a fable and tale; tall, short or convoluted. Armando is the son of Amanita Peridot Festoon, the revered authoress of the Wulfbertie series of children's adventures and all round action heroine. He learnt almost everything he knows from her except his technique for frying eggs which he worked out all on his own. Armando's stories are pitched at adults who would prefer to read children's stories.
Charlyene Brunt-Harris
Charlyene is a budding young writer in love with words and the beauty of the world around her. Determined to make her mark and her way as a poetess, she is in search of an agent and her writer's voice. As she builds her portfolio we benefit from some samples of her work. She is known to some (we assume affectionately) by the nickname Charlie-horse and various other bastardisations of her name.
Genevieve Balantain
Veve writes lyric poetry for the Tilebury Band, Cold Shoulder's songs. Most thursday and friday nights she can be found in The Ship Inn playing the drums with the rest of the band. Veve is indepedent minded, touchingly gothic and particularly averse to rain and swimming. Veve recently escaped a fire which destroyed her house and in which her mother sadly died.
Paula Harting
A lovely great grandmother and one of God's footsoldiers against Philistinism, Paula is a committed churchgoer and appalling poet. Past the age of caring about pleasing her audience, Paula has free range to express herself in prose and lyric to her heart's desire.
Juliet Greener
A farmer's daughter with a keen eye for the motivations which people obscure in public but which underlie all our decisions, she also has the intelligence and sense of humour to expose them sympathetically. Never to be taken at face value as her poetry shows.
James Keegen
Not so much a writer as a musician and lyricist. Tilebury's most famous living son, Jimmy has a recording contract, is on the verge of releasing his second album and is beginning to tour in support of some famous names. His lyrics, written down, can pass as poetry.
Sinead Murphy
Sinead is an entrepreneur, lately arrived in Tilebury, Sinead has the confidence to turn her hand to anything including pushing out a few well chosen words or poems.