Editor: F Lennier. BA (hons) (Mrs)
1 January
A new year message for all our neighbours
Happy new year to everyone in Tilebury Village. I am very pleased that after a not- inconsiderable effort, I have been able to restart the Tilebury newsletter. After the unfortunate break in publication and the even more unfortunate disappearance of one of the former editors and contributors, it has been a substantial personal effort simply to get the newsletter reissued. Nonetheless, here we are.
The Newsletter has been renamed. This is partially to reflect the change in editorship and partially to mark a formal break between the old paper and the new one. I intend to take the Harbinger in certain interesting directions and do not want to set up unrealisable expectations by giving a false patina of continuity. A Harbinger, of course, is a messenger bringing news first, be it good or bad. That is what I intend to be.
In the Harbinger you can expect to hear all perspectives. I do not intend to censor, although I shall attempt to achieve balance. I shall be fearless and fearsome. But in the best traditions of England of course.
In this issue we have predictions for the future and advice on how to live it in grace without feeling depressed. We also have advice on how to live without a puddle around the sink. We have news of forthcoming filming in the village and descriptions of the wildlife and history with which we interact every day.
I hope you enjoy the fruit of my efforts. Do write in with your observations should any occur to you.
A country-woman's guide to England's nature - wild mammals.
Camilla Corkerham
This issue deals with some of our more familiar wild mammals you can find snuffling in the hedgerows year round.
Excellent pictures of these most loved characters are available from Camilla at any time (and many lovely gifts).
An insight into the future and the present from Epona.
A reading for the season of winter.
The first reading for the new astrological year which started at the solstice on 21 December. The year is characterised by disorder and consumption.
Epona's individual readings for each of the thirteen star signs for the season of winter are here.
Handy tips from Tilebury's Handywoman.
You can do it - unblocking a sink.
Kimberley King (No job too easy - quick and effective maintenance and repairs)
Kimberley - Tilebury's own guardian angel of household disasters tells us about unblocking a stubborn sink here.
Events Diary.
Forthcoming events and recent festivities.
Fiona Davies
The Diary is here.
No-one will be unaware of the annual Wassail which will be upon us in less than three weeks.
Village History.
Our Inheritance from our Ancestors.
Dr Harriet Longstepp
Dr Longstepp takes us through some recent history of how our village fared during the second world war and the secrets of the secret spy ring of Sylvia Spencer.
Mens Sana - Village Psychologist.
A little help keeping your mind healthy.
Dr Brenda Dawes-Burritt
Winter can be a difficult time. Dr Dawes-Burritt provides some much needed advice and support here.
Parish News.
Thoughts from faith.
Rev. Eloise Everrett
The reverend provides some insightful and uplifting observations on the subject of Grace here.
Please address all communications for the attention of The Editor, The Mews Office, Market street.
We have a box at the post office for ideas and notes.