Tilebury Horoscope
A reading for the season of Winter
An insight into the future and the present from Epona.
2 January

Sagittarius (the horse)
December 17 - January 20
As the sign of the start of the year Sagittarius senses the trends of the year most acutely. The year starting on 22 December will be a year of consumption and Sagittarians, with their native impetuosity, may feel hungry and acquisitive. As the winter develops and the days begin to lengthen, the desire to take and grab everything which falls into their hands may become irresistible.

Capricorn (the goat)
January 21 - February 16
Capricorn waits. All year it waits for the winter – the only sign to feel content in the cold and safe in the dark shadows of this time of year. Capricorns will be happy. They will delight in the discomfort and revel in the complaints and misery. The year’s trends of consumption and impatience are natural to Capricorns. They will eat and be merrily snide.

Aquarius (the water nymph)
February 17 - March 11
Winter is a time of year whose magic rests in Aquarius. Her powers are strong at this time of year and the clear light of a cold watery dawn is her natural time. Aquarians will be bold at this time of year and will sweep away those who stand up to them. The year’s sense of impatience will however not suit them and they may be frustrated by the contradictory demands of nature’s powers.

Pisces (the mermaid)
March 12 - April 18
An equinox sign is never only one thing. Pisceans will be one thing and another at the same time. The year to come promises also to fluctuate from moment to moment. With inconsistencies in their own nature and inconsistencies in the inclinations of nature’s own direction Pisceans will be powderkegs all year. The cold of the season will however keep this in check at this time. At least, that is, until the equinox.

Aries (the ram)
April 19 - May 13
Impatience. Impatience. Impatience. The ram does not want to wait for spring. Winter is a cold time and Arians have waited all year for their time. The new year is not smooth but rucked and untidy. It is hefted with impatience. Reinforced by this agitation, all through this season Arians will be stamping their feet and slamming their fists upon tables and tearing at old and rotting barricades.

Taurus (the bull)
May 14 - June 21
A sign so attuned to wrath and anger cannot feel calm throughout a year so imbued with impatience and inconsistency. But winter is a bleak time for Taurus. Left alone their animosity and temper will simmer throughout the season like a fire beneath a crust of soot. But do not be deceived, Taurans do not enjoy unpredictability and as the year’s fickleness becomes manifest their internal pressure will rise.

Gemini (the sisters)
June 22 - July 20
Plotting and cleverness do not fit well with the erratic trends the year promises. Nor does the light and lofty dreaming of these summer sisters take comfort in the dark and heavy skies of this time of year. The Gemini will be withdrawn and cautious. They will observe with care and subtlety looking for opportunities they will not take through a surfeit of cowardice. But their time will come.

Cancer (the worm)
July 21 - August 10
Ruction and schism create torn branches and the destruction of rotten beams and barricades. Practical Cancerians will take little personal regard of the trends of the year, like every year. But like every year they will turn quietly and effectively to making the most of fallen apples which roll their way. With a wry smile and indifference they will set to work amid the glowering histrionics of more volatile signs during this season.

Leo (the cat)
August 11 - September 16
Consumption is part of a Leo’s construction. Take, eat, repeat. While others are bickering they will stand aside and help themselves. While luck and unluck unfold throughout the year and the fortunes of more sensitive signs ride the roller-coaster they will keep to their own interests. During the cold, dark reaches of winter's night they will make themselves fat on opportunities and padded with inactivity. Come spring they will not be hungry.

Virgo (the priestess)
September 17 - October 30
A sign which likes to control will not welcome the slings and arrows of our new year. But when earthquakes strike and walls fall she will revel in being the strong protector to whom others run. But always throughout the year Virgan’s anger will hover just below their skin. Righteous it may be, but anger is still intemperate. She will not mind the winter, it is the first stage in building her power towards the autumn when she will rule.

Libra (the dreamer)
October 31 - November 23
A horror for libra. Librans tend to hide in their huts during winter anyway. Staring into the fire and thinking of better times is the best option at this time of year. The year’s promise of disorder and anger and consumption and all things physical and disruptive is the worst option a Libra can have thrust upon them. They will be miserable and no-one will care.

Scorpio (the beetle)
November 24 - November 29
Emotional but hard baked, Scorpio will feel the tension around them and the disorientation the year is promising. But they will try not to show it. Suffering vicariously from the pain and anger which others kindly share with them, they will soldier on. At this time of year they will secretly enjoy their toughness and resilience. Perhaps you may see the odd one out running or swimming in a hole cut in a frozen lake, just to prove that they will not be beaten.

Ophiuchus (the snake)
November 30 - December 17
Everything is stacking up well for the snake. Uncertainties and frustrations will make others vulnerable. A little risk and impetuosity is their native habit. Danger will not worry them and anger and threats will slide off their resilient skins. And this winter is pregnant with opportunities, caution and exposed desires off which the snake can feed. They will embrace consumption and squeeze the life out of it.
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