Tilebury Horoscope
A reading for the season of Summer.
And predictions about the voting intentions of the contributors to the Harbinger.
An insight into the future and the present from Epona.
1 July

Sagittarius (the horse)
December 17 - January 20
Bravery and honour will lead Sagittarians into confrontation now that the other signs are gaining in confidence and activity. Saggitarians will not back down this summer which will mean they either win or are defeated entirely. There is no middle ground. Our Editor Francesca Lennier is a Sagittarian.

Capricorn (the goat)
January 21 - February 16
Impatience and intransigence are still pumping through Capricorn's blood. Now is the time to stand up and fight and Capricorns are on the charge. Watch out if you are in their way, you will either have to leap aside or be blown away with their momentum and determination. The summer warmth gives them all the energy they need. Miss Doreen Davies is a Capricorn.

Aquarius (the water nymph)
February 17 - March 11
Hotter weather and more to think about in Summer will mean that Aquarians will want to find a corner to relax in, untroubled by others. They will not be interested in all the mayhem around them and would prefer to watch the bees in the long grasses and sip cooling drinks. Aquarians like Dr Dawes-Burritt may not wish to participate in the fray.

Pisces (the mermaid)
March 12 - April 18
Summer may be dull for Pisces as longer still days mean not so much is happening. They like action and energy and sitting on a beach-towel reading chick-lit will leave them jittery. Unpredictable in all things, it is perhaps helpful that none of the Harbinger contributors is a Pisces.

Aries (the ram)
April 19 - May 13
Aries is well known as a tough sign. A real fighter with determination and no inclination this summer to compromise on anything. They want to create mayhem and will do so by violently opposing whatever they see as the wrong answer. There are two Arians amongst the voters: Alia Morrow, Chair of the meeting and Christine Collett who fought the BBC filming.

Taurus (the bull)
May 14 - June 21
Taureans are now waking up from a mood of dispair and moroseness which has gripped them since the new year. But they are not getting into a better mood. Instead they are going to be belligerent and stoic but unmoveable. Don't try to charm them or fight them of even convince them. Just accept their position is what it is. The Reverend Everett is a Taurean.

Gemini (the sisters)
June 22 - July 20
The sisters are definitely up to something. Planning and plotting goes on apace and there can be no doubt that it is not a benevolent plan. Gemini are patient and are insidious, when their plans hatch, later in the year, they will be dangerous and unforeseen. Be worried. At least there are no Gemini amongst the voters.

Cancer (the worm)
July 21 - August 10
Summer will see a turn towards more confrontation and that means more destruction and damage. That suits Cancer fine as they will be ready to seize the moment to exploit whatever fallout there is. And they will set out loosening all the screws and wearing down the ropes to help the collapse on its way. There are no Cancerians among the voters.

Leo (the cat)
August 11 - September 16
The cat is still looking for her own advantage in everything. Leo is enjoying herself this year and has been remarkably charming. Long may it last. However, remember that Leo is only your friend when you are giving her what she wants and she has no loyalty or other interest in you. A fair weather friend this summer - but the summer weather is set fair and she can be great fun. No Leos are among the voters.

Virgo (the priestess)
September 17 - October 30
The tide is turning a little for Virgo. She has fought hard and stood against the elements and now the tide is on the turn and starting to retreat from her feet. However, Virgo does not always understand the subtleties of the other signs and she may yet have surprises in store when she discovers things are not as she thought they were when she started to fight for them. Kimberley King is a Virgo.

Libra (the dreamer)
October 31 - November 23
Things are still bleak for Libra. Bad fortune dogs them like a black dog. Everything they think they know turns out to be misremembered and everthing they own breaks down just when they want it. The only thing for librans to do is forget they are alive and try to hide somewhere sunny where there is nothing which might accidentally fall on their heads and no chance of sunburn. None of the voters are Librans.

Scorpio (the beetle)
November 24 - November 29
Hard work and thick skins will keep Scorpio plodding forward on its own imperturbable path. They will do things they believe are right and follow the strongest leader who says the things that sound right. They will take on the jobs others don't want and take pride in their social consciences. Both Camilla Corkerham and Dr Harriet Longstepp are Scorpios.

Ophiuchus (the snake)
November 30 - December 17
More confrontation between the other signs, more energy and more impatience around them means that the snake will have a lot of chances to scare up interesting opportuinities. These they will play with happily to entertain their vicious little minds. However, Ophiunchus may find they have pushed too far and isolated themselves. Will they be slippery enough to survive? Or will their poisoned bite save them from destruction. Fiona Davies is an Ophiunchus.
Articles from other months are linked from the side bar.
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