Parish News
Reverend Eloise Everrett
1 January
As Saint Paul said in his letter to the Ephesians,
But to each one of us was the grace given according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
So we should always recall that we have all been given grace.
Some of course are more graceful than others. One of two of the women in the village in particular are extremely graceful. Like lionesses. Or zebras in full flight across the savannah in a nature film.

You know who you are.
And so does God.
So we should remember grace and how much we all have. Think perhaps sometimes how much grace your family has. Perhaps at dinner time. Maybe when you say grace - also think about grace and where it comes from.
Because as I say - or more properly as St Paul says - all grace was given to us according to the measure of the gift of Christ.
So if you are particularly graceful then be grateful for the measure of your gift. And if you are not so graceful look to the other gifts which Christ has given you. Because the measure of all gifts are in God.
All the best to the parishoners of Tilebury for the new year. Be not afraid - Easter is coming.
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