Poetess's Pantry
Tilebury Poetry

1 April
April Contribution from Charlyene Brunt-Harris.
A Reinvigoration
Bright, babbling, bonny, buxom brook;
So small, so slight, so slow;
Picking paths, pottering, pushing plodding puddles;
Sudden spring storms soak sodden soil;
Trickling, tinkling through tunnels, troughs;
Swelling, surging, strengthening, singing;
Rain, reinvigoration, rushing resuscitation, rebirth.
Charlyene graduated from Warwick University this summer obtaining honours in English Literature. She is the winner of numerous prizes for poetry and her other passion: mime. Her awards include the Bertwhistle Trophy for plain-verse presented annually by the Lord Mayor of Coventry to the most deserving Lady Poet under twenty five contributing work themed on nature. When asked about her work, Charlyene said, "I just write about the things that bother me and knock around in my head. I would love one day to read my poems on the poetry-slam circuit but just now I need to focus on my material."
Articles from other months are linked from the side bar.
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