Special Correspondent
Christina Collett (with assistance from Doreen Davies, Chairperson of the village integration and charitable purposes comittee)
1 April
How to Improve the Village.
We have been in contact with the BBC. Mrs Collett can definitely report that the awful programme they filmed here will now only be aired on BBC3. And they have agreed not to refer to Tilebury on the credits. In the circumstances we have decided not to send on to them the petition which we have been collecting.

So fresh from this victory, we would now like to start the campaign to tidy up Tilebury.
And we have a goal in mind. The Most Beautiful Village in South West England
be awarded in August. We are forming a committee to manage our application!
So - we will be making rounds of all cottages on the main streets to collect confirmations that window boxes and hanging baskets will be prepared. Mr Collett, the Colletts' neighbour and Ms Davies (D) will be making rounds to identify Village 'black spots' to be cleared up. We trust you will welcome us and our message with open arms.

In the meantime, it is time for us all to stand up for morals and our traditions. There is a tide washing in on us carrying flotsam and the muck of society (see for example the letter about misbeaviour in the Jenns park [- This month too -Ed] and previous columns from this Special Correspondent).
We should be proud of where we live and rigorous to prevent others dragging it down into the surf. We would like to think that villagers would do the right thing and whenever you come accross loutish, boorish or other unacceptable behaviour you will speak up and stop it. Others will support you!
In order to build some community spirit behind this endeavour, we have had some lapel pins (in Tilebury Grey) made and have agreed with Camilla Corkerham that she will keep a basket of them at Nature's Nook. Please pick one up and wear it with pride to show your support for a better Tilebury.
If you would like to join the committee for the Best Village Competition please contact one of us. We look forward to gathering a like-minded team!
Articles from other months are linked from the side bar.
Please address all communications for the attention of The Editor, The Mews Office, Market street.
We have a box at the post office for ideas and notes.