Our Natural Home - A country-woman's guide to England's nature - ducks
Camilla Corkerham.
1 April
Everybody likes ducks. There is something really lovely about them and the way they walk. I think they are quite romantic too. They always seem to be following each other around in pairs. Boy duck and girl duck. Never needing to say anything to each other.
It's all very natural and makes me feel all gooey. I also like the way the boy ducks (I think they are called mallards) have a shiny green neck.
I found some walking over the path from the market square to the village green the other day - I think they eat pondweed and things they find in the pond in the middle of the green. They looked like they had been out on a little trip somewhere together. Maybe looking at starter nests...! (Do ducks have nests?)
Anyway, Terry has just reminded me that they are quite tasty too, when you cook them with a citrus sauce. Everyone says orange sauce but I don't really know how to cook that and there was nothing in M&S in packet form. I think they do it in the George Arms sometimes if you really want duck sauce.
Anyway - I was quite disappointed with the sculptures of spiders from Quellia Ompou when they arrived at Nature's Nook. Frankly they weren't going to sell and they were very hard to clean (so many difficult to access areas where the dust would congregate). So I sent them back and have put some hilarious rubber ducks in their place. They are very colourful. Come have a look.
Also, one of the wonderful ladies in the knitting circle has provided us with some little cream-egg warmers just in time for Easter - £1.50 for Nature in Need Charity.
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