
Tilebury Harbinger Village Newsletter

Tilebury Harbinger

Tilebury's village newsletter.

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Editor: F Lennier. BA (hons) (Mrs)

1 April

Two villagers, three opinions.

The village appears to be a vibrant and fervent place this spring. There are clearly many strong opinions about how we can make the most of this beautiful place in which we live. Some are keen on improving our social equality and environment, others our morals and tidiness. Some would like an award for the most beautiful village in the South West. Some simply want to see couples courting.

But everyone seems to have an opinion and I am delighted that so many of you want to express that opinion through the pages of the Harbinger.

I am very proud of how far I have been able to take the Harbinger in the months since we recommenced publishing. Everywhere I go I hear people talking about articles they have written.

If the comments are not universally positive, I put that down to good journalism. I always wanted to stir up opinions and a newspaper which offends no-one also interests no-one. I promise to continue to court divergence in the Harbinger's contents.

On that note I invite you to read my edition of the Harbinger for April (published without irony on April Fool's day).

We have the last instalment from our Special Correspondent about the BBC filming. The issue has now gone away so no more updates are necessary. There are some dubious words about ducks, strong words in our post-bag, a New Horoscope reflecting the apparently discordant nature of the year so far (which is not far from the truth if the contents of the Harbinger is a good bellwether), tips on disposing of mice and Lambrini and differences of opinion on history. This is not to mention agony and commentary arising from our social scene. Enjoy.

Please address all communications for the attention of The Editor, The Mews Office, Market street.

We have a box at the post office for ideas and notes.