Special Correspondent
Christina Collett
1 October
How much we have achieved!
Mrs Lennier asked me to write one further article for the special correspondent section now that the Queen and Countr-E
series has mostly been run. I have, however, little to say. Enough that we made a stand and got out our message. I'm sure the judges from Beautiful Villages England will have taken note of what we achieved and taken it into consideration. It is only sad that it was not enough, and perhaps the village did not come together sufficiently, to impress them such that we could be given an award.
I still consider this to be a large part of the reason why we were not named or given a commendation in the medium sized village category. And it was not our fault.
I have not watched any of the programme on principle and am currently boycotting the BBC. If Mr Collett wants to watch anything on BBC he must go to the spare room where we have another television.
Unfortunately, now that I am no longer listening to BBC radio, I have discovered that press coverage elsewhere is very poor quality. I think the way Mr Collett was treated on the local news was simply scandalous. He made a lot of very good points when they were recording it, but the journalist kept asking him silly personal questions rather than getting to the nub of the issue and the editor seems to have cut all the good answers so what was screened was only a pointless exchange about Mr Collett's school play.
However, it is now almost over and I think we achieved a lot. No-one can say it was not worth resisting this programme and I am a strong believer that the BBC will not dare come back here again to film any more insulting, misrepresnting rubbish.
Articles from other months are linked from the side bar.
Please address all communications for the attention of The Editor, The Mews Office, Market street.
We have a box at the post office for ideas and notes.