Our Natural Home - A country-woman's guide to England's nature - Butterflies
Camilla Corkerham.
1 June

It is so exciting when there are butterflies in the garden and the fields. I think they must hibernate because you don't see them for ages and then suddenly there are loads around and as I said to Terry yesterday it makes you just warm just to look at them.

Well yesterday I saw two Red Admirals fluttering against the inside window pane of the greenhouse. It gave me a really great idea that we could collect butterfly caterpillars and then sell them to children who want to see them hatch and keep them inside a tank or whatever.

So that is what we have done. They were surprisingly easy to source off the internet and I have today taken delivery of a box full of crawly caterpillars which I am now feeding on leaves in Nature's Nook. Come have a look and bring any little girls and boys who might like their own chrysalis and in due course a butterfly.
I should also mention that we have issued a notice calling a meeting for appoiting new trustees for the newspaper. Doreen and I met with a solicitor who explained all the things which had to be done so I am very happy to explain it to anyone who is interested. There are some details being published this month of the deed and some history of the trust.
Articles from other months are linked from the side bar.
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