Our Natural Home - A country-woman's guide to England's nature
Still no submission from Mrs Corkerham. However I have been invited to re-publish a short entry made by the Holy Lamb in its facebook page.
12 September
Hooray! Off the plane. It's cold in the hold and that's no place for a fun-loving lamb like me to be. Fair Dublin town - won't know what hit it when the wooly-crew are in town. Forget stags - this is a Ram party!!! And we've got horns too you know!
6pm - combed my wool and put on the shades - cool. Guiness a-go-go. Time to be Baaa'd!
6.45 - first bar in Temple Bar and the girls think I'm a star. They like that fleecy coat and the way I flick my ears. Kiss-me-quick, chicks I'm off to other parts to break more hearts.
7.30 - Irish Dancing - what's the issue? Lots of skipping around with your legs and I never move my arms anyway. Easy. Forget Riverdance this is Fielddance. I'm the wooly jumper! Cocktails are better than the ones in the chicken-run.
9pm - Playing along with the Baa-nd. Plinkety plunk music and a beautiful voice. My sort of things entirely. Ewe've never heard anything so good.
Rest of the evening - a bit of a blur but there are some photos somewhere. Hoofing it along the street to avoid the pigs. Dancing it large at Ginos. Baaabara Ann at the Kareoke. Then hotel to count sheep and so to sleep. More tomorrow.
Articles from other months are linked from the side bar.
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We have a box at the post office for ideas and notes.