Our Natural Home - A country-woman's guide to England's nature
14 July
Dear Mrs Lennier,
It will not surprise you to learn that I do not intend to provide an article for 'Countryfile' this month. I anticipate that a new editor will be in post by the next publication date and I have agreed with her to sumit a column on the village's business community and interests.
I trust you have been satisfied with my contributions and I wish you all the best in future.
Yours sincerely,
Camilla Corkerham
29 July
Dear Mrs Corkerham,
I remain in post. If you wish to submit an article for Countryfile in the August edition of the Harbinger I shall require it by noon tomorrow (30 July) for editing. I would be appreciative if any submission you make could be better researched and less blandly banal than previous installments.
I see no reason why tonight's vote should change my submission requirements or publication principles.
Yours sincerely,
Francesca Lennier (Mrs)
31 July
Mrs Lennier (although I do not see why you still use that title as you have been divorced for over five years),
I am astonished that you have chased me for a submission for Countryfile! I said I would not do it and I will not. I never wanted to anyway and know nothing about the topic. I only hope we can find a way of improving this paper for the good of the village.
You have not seen the end of us and I will be back writing a column. But not while you are editor!
Yours sincerely,
Camilla Corkerham
Articles from other months are linked from the side bar.
Please address all communications for the attention of The Editor, The Mews Office, Market street.
We have a box at the post office for ideas and notes.