Well being - help with keeping your mind healthy
Dr Brenda Dawes-Burritt (Psychologist)
1 October
Earlier this month I hobbled over to watch the Processing of the Lamb. Interesting what Dr Longstepp said in her History article about it last month. Also interesting what the Rev Everrett had to say in her sermon. Plainly they can't both be right.
Anyway I don't normally go to sermons because I wouldn't normally be found dead in a church (Atheists corner of the crematorium where my body will remain pickled for eternity). But after the fiasco on the procession I couldn't resist going in. Well, it reminded me of how much rubbish is spouted as if it were in some way provable truth.
So I thought I'd write something about the importance of accuracy this month. I've been doing a lot of reading - mostly research conclusions - and I can't help coming to the conclusion that our minds are designed to be able to rebrand the truth for their own purposes. What I mean is that we can fool ourselves completely about virtually anything. This is true even when we just adopted a particular argument for convenience knowing it was probably wrong in the first place.
I always try to be practical with this kind of theory. So I asked myself - does it matter if we're fooling ourselves all the time? Clearly not. If you think about it, and accept that you are capable of believing virtually anything if you put your mind to it, the odds are that almost all of what everyone believes is probably objectively wrong. So what's the point worrying about it? Aren't we happier having something to argue with each other about and to live our lives according to?
If we didn't believe in stuff that is obviously wrong, then the world would be just too depressing and we'd have to get drunk all the time just to get through it. So believe whatever you like - I'll support you even if its crazy!
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