1 October
The following candidates are standing to be elected as trustees by votes of the Residents of Tilebury. The trustees will select one of their number to be editor. However, all candiates have agreed that (provided at least one of them is elected) the editor will be either Mrs Lennier or Miss D Davies.
All current trustees are deemed to step down at the start of the election. Megan Kinear has indicated that she will not stand for re-election.
The candidates have put forward manifestos in two groups:
A New Direction for Tilebury's Trust
We want to make more of the trust assets and opportunities for Tilebury. We therefore intend to pursue two main policies:
- Align the content of the Harbinger with its objectives to inform, educate and advise members of Tilebury Parish.
- Sell the assets to realise funds for investment in projects for the benefit of the whole of Tilebury.
The current approach is rude, scandalous and potentially defamatory. It is only a matter of time before the paper is sued and then all its assets will be used up defending legal action. We will stop that.
Instead we will inform Residents of useful events taking place including charitable meetings, lectures, concerts and open days. We will educate using properly researched details from local history. We will advise on how to make the village better including in reducing anti-social behaviour.
The trust owns several parcels of land. These are valuable and could be sold for redevelopment. We intend to get the best prices available and use the money to provide a community resource based in the old church. This could create a pot of money to spend on projects such as the Beautiful Villages England application (which suffered from lack of support and funds), paid performances from classical musicians and better facilities for a mothers and children drop in centre.
We are concerned with making the village a better place to live. Not conducting personal feuds in print.
Doreen Davies, Camilla Corkerham, Christina Collett
Embracing all Points of View
The Harbinger is avidly read across the village. We print what you want to write and what you want to hear about. We do not tell you what to think or decide which parts of the village are worthy and which are to be improved.
We are preserving Tilebury's heritage. We do not want to sell off the inheritance the trust has given us. We want to use it to make sure you always get a free newspaper and parts of the village always belong to the villagers.
As editor, Francesca Lennier has and will continue to:
- Invite and publish articles from a range of villagers with a range of points of view;
- Defend the rights of columnists and correspondents to say what they think regardless of its popularity;
- Champion those who would not normally be represented by a middle-class elite intent on coffee-mornings and classical concerts. We support the residency at the Ship Inn which attracts dozens every week as well as a concert for a discerning half-dozen.
- bring you interesting articles you want to read - about your real lives and those around you.
Don't let our village paper be highjacked by those who cannot bear to hear other points of view.
Don't let them sell your assets to pay for one-time activities they've decided you want.
Francesca Lennier (Current Editor), Juliet Greener, Corrine Celia
Other trust documents are linked from the side bar.
Please address all communications for the attention of The Editor, The Mews Office, Market street.
We have a box at the post office for ideas and notes.