Editor: F Lennier. BA (hons) (Mrs)
1 October
Tension and the prospect of plenty of snapping
If the Horoscopes are anything to go by, then there is still plenty of tension in the village. Frankly, with respect to Epona, I didn't need the stars to tell me that. The manifestos for the newspaper trust would be enough to tell me that not everyone agrees with me - although I would have to be pretty deaf and blind not to have realised that from some of the behaviour in the village towards me.
Nonetheless one of the costs of public life is to suffer the brickbats of nay-sayers. If they think they can get enough others to say nay with them I shall gladly accept their criticism. If not - and I hope that when you all go to the polls in a couple of days time you will make it clear to them how much support they really command - then I trust they will do the same.
The snakes seem less in evidence. Perhaps they have scuttled into holes. Check your drainpipes before the winter rains. I fear our handywoman will probably not be prepared to help you as she seems to have other things on her mind.
By contrast the Holy Lamb appears to have been more energetic than expected. An article from the lamb's participation in a Stag day shows us that it is having almost as much fun as other members of the village. It has also caused our psychologist to muse on the importance or otherwise of accuracy and our Reverend to be inspired to save those who have too much fun.
Meanwhile we have been on TV both as the setting for a drama and as the home of people complaining about that drama. Our artists are contributing to Swindon's culture.
Finally I ask that you think carefully before casting your vote on the trust and the newspaper. Read this edition and think what it might be like under the editorship of Miss D Davies. If that prospect fills you with joy then vote for her and her followers. If not, please do not let apathy bring her victory. Do not doubt for a minute that she will mobilise her supporters - she is, at least, good at that sort of thing.
Poetess's Pantry
Beautiful words and beautiful thoughts
Juliet Greener
Juliet draws a lyrical parallel between the personalities of cows and the personalities of some of the people who live in the village.
Special Correspondent
Response to the Filming
Christina Collett
Some observations on the resistance to the BBC's filming and the degree to success that resistance achieved.
A countrywoman's guide to England's Nature - Lambs
Diary Entry from the holy lamb
The holy lamb has gone on holiday with a stag party and has left us a description of the first evening.
Tilebury Newspaper Trust
Trust documents and records
Fran Lennier (Trustee Chair as Editor)
The two camps have each provided a manifesto for election as trustee board.
Agony Aunt
Solving your personal Problems
Aunt Ali gives sage counsel to the troubled.
Aunt Ali helps a rocker to be more polite and a green warrior to come to terms with ice cream.
Handy tips from Tilebury's Handywoman
You can do it - Personal Security
Kimberley King (No job too easy - quick and effective maintenance and repairs)
It is not particularly clear what Kim is up to or at least I hope it isn't.
Village History
Our Inheritance from our Ancestors - The Fete
Dr Harriet Longstepp
The Doctor is full of interesting observations about the fete while not commenting on the widely held village belief that it was originally a meeting of witches.
Mens Sana - Village Psychologist
Help keeping your mind healthy
Dr Brenda Dawes-Burritt
Dr Dawes-Burritt is concerned by accuracy and whether it is important.
A reading for the season of autumn
An insight into the future and the present from Epona
Epona points out the guiding principles behind your behaviour.
Parish News
Thoughts from Faith
Rev. Eloise Everrett
Reverend Everrett is not particularly impressed by the events of the Procession of the Holy Lamb but takes inspiration from it to look after the rest of the flock.
Items for Sale - new and pre-loved
Private Sellers - the harbinger takes no responsibility for quality or safety of goods bought.
Current listings of items for sale within the Village. Private sales.
Please address all communications for the attention of The Editor, The Mews Office, Market street.
We have a box at the post office for ideas and notes.