Poetess's Pantry
Tilebury Poetry

1 July
July Contribution also from Kirsten Krone-Wilson.
The clash of the inky titans
From the vacuous wastes of paperwork, where fallow scribblers die;
Rise in mortal struggle two fearsome warrior colossae;
Summoned one by virtue's clarion and the other by freedom's cry;
They hurl their polished words and let their ripostes fly.
These giants spike beneath their heels the nibs of lesser souls;
And taking justness as their right kill off their darling words;
With weapons of power and fluency, they cull and strive and rave;
While unnoticed beneath their huge bestriding legs, the narrow world creeps to a dishonourable grave.
But snapping at their ankles as they swing their puissant blows;
A pandemic of snakes had come from where, some god only knows;
And while lovers love in triangles and some knock down a wall;
The voting of petty women decides which Titan will have to fall.
Kirsten is pleased to be published again after the, apparent success of her June poem. She says she is happy to continue to take a slightly alternative angle on the current news as it appears in the Harbinger. She wants to remind everyone that however powerful they think they are, in the end it is the little people that count. [Duly noted - Ed]
Articles from other months are linked from the side bar.
Please address all communications for the attention of The Editor, The Mews Office, Market street.
We have a box at the post office for ideas and notes.