Editor: F Lennier. BA (hons) (Mrs)
1 August
Scotched the Snake not Killed it
I do not wish to appear to revel unduly in the continuation of my role as editor despite the efforts of Mrs Corkerham and Miss Doreen Davies. In many ways the vote was necessarily salutory as, due in part to some rather sharp undisclosed tactics by Miss Davies and her lawyer, I did not command majority support amongst my own contributors. For that I am sorry and continue to extend the hand of welcome to all of them who wish to continue to contribute regardless of their voting choices.
Be that as it may - I remain in post and with the majority support of the trustees will continue my policy of publishing, uncensored, the wide views of the community as reflected through the differing personalities and interests of my team.
However, just as the closing of this issue appeared to allow me to focus on getting the job done, it appears that Miss Davies is not prepared to accept defeat. One door closes so they have opened another. You the Residents of Tilebury, for whom this paper is produced, will have the opportunity to decide its editorial leader. Mrs Corkerham and Miss Davies have decided to exercise the Trust Rules to demand a public vote.
As before, I confirm I will do all I can as editor and trustee to ensure that the democratic will of the Residents of Tilebury is respected. I will organise the vote and publish fairly the arguments of both sides. I will ask to remain as editor and ask you all to back me. Perhaps it is time to discover whether Miss Davies does have the support of the Residents or whether, as I believe, the quiet but overwhelming majority prefers more freedom and independence that she is prepared to tolerate.
This issue is missing a contribution on the Countryside (not through my preference) but has some interesting content and updates on social life in the village. It also includes letters from residents who may still be deluding themselves about the interests and behaviours of their romantic partners.
I shall fight on.
Poetess's Pantry
Beautiful words and beautiful thoughts
Charlyene Brunt-Harris
A reflective lament about the sadness of litter in a beautiful village.
A countrywoman's guide to England's Nature - Suspended
Camilla Corkerham
Unfortunately Mrs Corkerham has chosen not to provide a column this month. I reproduce the letters explaining her decision.
Tilebury Newspaper Trust
Trust documents and records
Fran Lennier (Trustee Chair as Editor)
We have added the minutes of the recent meeting of contributors at which Miss Doreen Davies was elected as a Trustee and the Trustees ratified the current appointment as editor.
Agony Aunt
Solving your personal Problems
Aunt Ali gives sage counsel to the troubled.
Aunt Ali's confused souls are a couple of young ladies who are not getting the results they would like with certain members of the opposite sex.
Handy tips from Tilebury's Handywoman
You can do it - changing a mortice lock
Kimberley King (No job too easy - quick, sympathetic and effective maintenance and repairs)
Kim has had to change her locks and tells us why and how to do it.
Events Diary
Forthcoming Events and Recent Festivities
Fiona Davies
Fiona gives her own description of the events of the contributors vote for trustees.
Village History
Our Inheritance from our Ancestors - The Festival of fear
Dr Harriet Longstepp
A story of events at the village summer festival from many centuries ago featuring the strange powers of a tattooed man and a one eyed lady.
Mens Sana - Village Psychologist
Help keeping your mind healthy
Dr Brenda Dawes-Burritt
Dr Dawes-Burritt prepares us for failure.
Parish News
Thoughts from Faith
Rev. Eloise Everrett
We get one side of a story about difficult relationships and the strain of being in the public eye.
Items for Sale - new and pre-loved
Private Sellers - the harbinger takes no responsibility for quality or safety of goods bought.
Current listings of items for sale within the Village. Private sales.
Please address all communications for the attention of The Editor, The Mews Office, Market street.
We have a box at the post office for ideas and notes.