
Tilebury Harbinger Village Newsletter

Tilebury Harbinger

Tilebury's village newsletter.

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Editor: F Lennier. BA (hons) (Mrs)

1 August

Scotched the Snake not Killed it

I do not wish to appear to revel unduly in the continuation of my role as editor despite the efforts of Mrs Corkerham and Miss Doreen Davies. In many ways the vote was necessarily salutory as, due in part to some rather sharp undisclosed tactics by Miss Davies and her lawyer, I did not command majority support amongst my own contributors. For that I am sorry and continue to extend the hand of welcome to all of them who wish to continue to contribute regardless of their voting choices.

Be that as it may - I remain in post and with the majority support of the trustees will continue my policy of publishing, uncensored, the wide views of the community as reflected through the differing personalities and interests of my team.

However, just as the closing of this issue appeared to allow me to focus on getting the job done, it appears that Miss Davies is not prepared to accept defeat. One door closes so they have opened another. You the Residents of Tilebury, for whom this paper is produced, will have the opportunity to decide its editorial leader. Mrs Corkerham and Miss Davies have decided to exercise the Trust Rules to demand a public vote.

As before, I confirm I will do all I can as editor and trustee to ensure that the democratic will of the Residents of Tilebury is respected. I will organise the vote and publish fairly the arguments of both sides. I will ask to remain as editor and ask you all to back me. Perhaps it is time to discover whether Miss Davies does have the support of the Residents or whether, as I believe, the quiet but overwhelming majority prefers more freedom and independence that she is prepared to tolerate.

This issue is missing a contribution on the Countryside (not through my preference) but has some interesting content and updates on social life in the village. It also includes letters from residents who may still be deluding themselves about the interests and behaviours of their romantic partners.

I shall fight on.

Please address all communications for the attention of The Editor, The Mews Office, Market street.

We have a box at the post office for ideas and notes.