Tilebury Newspaper Trust
Deputy Chair, Juliet Greener
1 December
A meeting was held in the Saloon Bar of the New Inn on 23 November between trustees Juliet Greener and Celia Corrine forming a quorum in the unavoidable absence of Mrs Lennier.
As Mrs Lennier is unavoidably detained the trustees resolved by majority vote (2-0) upon the proposal of J Greener:
- to permit Dr Dawes Burritt to act as editor for the preparation and publication of the December edition of the Harbinger.
- to grant Dr Dawes Burritt the funds necessary to arrange printing of the December edition is such manner as she saw fit using printers in Taunton or elsewhere.
Juliet Greener and Corrine Celia (Trustees).
Other trust documents are linked from the side bar.
Please address all communications for the attention of The Editor, The Mews Office, Market street.
We have a box at the post office for ideas and notes.