Interim Editor: Dr B Dawes-Burritt
1 December
As you will know, Mrs Lennier is not currenty available to edit this issue. As far as we are aware she has been kidnapped. I have spoken to the remaining Trustees who have resolved that I be entitled to edit this issue of the Harbinger on a temporary basis until Mrs Lennier is able to return.
The Harbinger offices have been torched and consequently we are having to put together this issue with the help of printers in Gloucester. I would like to thank Fiona Davies for helping me do this. We are doing what we think Fran would want us to do in her absence and are putting together the best edition for December which we can manage in teh short space of time available to us.
In addition to recounting recent events leading to our editor's absence, we have advice from Aunt Ali to a professional who wants to give up her career to join Jimmy Keegan in the States, the story of an earlier great fire in Tilebury, and some observations from the Reverend on her own recent experiences.
Overall, however, I sense when editing the Harbinger this month that we are under a shadow. Whether that shadow is cast by an executioner, a foeman or the ghost of father time I cannot yet say. However, without its energetic figurehead the Harbinger is under threat.
This may be the last ever issue of the Harbinger. Many of our columnists are leaving and many are asking whether arson and kidnap are too much of a symbol of the apparent division caused by previous editions to sustain the current format.
I have stepped forward to edit this issue because no-one else was able to do so and it is not right that Fran's newsletter dies simply because of her absence. We must not let a kidnapper win. However, I must ask myself whether it is right to continue to participate when matters settle down. Due to the strain I have suffered through this year in contributing and the confrontations which I have seen emerge in normal village life, I must say I doubt it.
I wish the Harbinger well (if it continues) and recommend that its next edition be refrshed with new contributors and a new direction. I commend this issue to you but I do so on the basis that the new direction which I hope to see next year will not include contributions to me.
Poetess's Pantry
Beautiful words and beautiful thoughts
Sinead Murphy
Sinead has come to the village at an interseting time to take over Nature's Nook and make it Tilebury Styles. She writes a short poem to tell us which of our musicians won the battle of the sales.
Tilebury Newspaper Trust
Trust documents and records
Juliet Greener and Corrine Celia (Trustees)
The trustees have held an urgent meeting to confirm that I can take over as interim editor until Fran returns.
Agony Aunt
Solving your personal Problems
Aunt Ali gives sage counsel to the troubled.
Aunt Ali helps a beautiful lawyer who is giving it all up to follow a rockstar and an imprisoned editor.
Handy tips from Tilebury's Handywoman
You can do it - Kidnapping
Kimberley King (No job too easy - quick and effective maintenance and repairs)
Kimberley has sent us a note to explain her demands and what she has done.
Events Diary
Forthcoming Events and Recent Festivities
Fiona Davies
Fiona recaps the recent dramas which have been engulfing the village.
Village History
Our Inheritance from our Ancestors - The Great Fire of Tilebury
Dr Harriet Longstepp
Harriet reminds us of the other Great Fire of Tilebury and makes some comments on our duty to historians of the future.
Mens Sana - Village Psychologist
Help keeping your mind healthy
Dr Brenda Dawes-Burritt
I am unable to write a separate column this month due to taking over as editor.
Parish News
Thoughts from Faith
Rev. Eloise Everrett
Reverend Everrett is praying for all the recent disasters to be put right. She also tells us about her intentions for the future with Ms Reedman.
Items for Sale - new and pre-loved
Private Sellers - the harbinger takes no responsibility for quality or safety of goods bought.
Following requests from the police we have suspended the sale of items through the classified section.
Please address all communications for the attention of The Editor, The Mews Office, Market street.
We have a box at the post office for ideas and notes.