Tilebury Classified
Any bids or offers should be sent to the Harbinger, marked with the item's code and your own contact details. The Harbinger accepts no responsibility for the terms of sale.
1 November

#003 Freeweights. More in hope than certainty
Take pride in your body.
I know this village if full of old people and couch potatoes, but is there really no-one here who wants to tone up their muscles? You're a great disappointment to me.
Weights. Free. Must collect.

#019 Spider Plant
Yet more
The suckers have been growing so fast I now have five more to sell. Water once a week and stroke their leaves if you want inspiration for your next novel.

#020 I can cure you!
Dry skin? Rheumatism? Insomnia? Depression? Bad internal decor?
Very pleased to announce that I am now an experienced acupuncturist as well as a master of Feng Shui, hypnotherapy and Reiki. Own needles, crystals and cosmic wind meter.
I will also give the first five people to apply a free chiropractic massage or foot pressure cure according to choice. A friend is able to supply biscuits made with a vegetable curative based upon the mashed leaves of a certain plant. Apparently it is very calming. Like camomile.

#030 Poetry compilation
First collection of poetry books written by local poetess.
If you enjoyed Debris of Life and A Reinvigoration you may like the rest of the works of this award winning local poet. Sad songs of modern hope is a compliation which you'll be happy to have in your bookshelf.
£2.99 each.

#031 Cold Shoulder or Jimmy Keegen?
CDs from our local musicians.
Local entrepreneur has obtained 100 signed copies of the first albums of local music legends Cold Shoulder and Jimmy Keegen. The question everyone in the village wants to know is which one is best?
So I'll sell them all. The first to sell out wins - I'll announce the winner using posters in the market square as soon as it happens. Time to back your favourite. £8.99 each.

#032 Taxidermy Snakes
Stuffed animals lovingly preserved.
Recent arrival from Romania offering new skill for you in the village. I kill and stuff animals and then keep them looking very lifelike in a way which will not rot or attrack vermin. You can have the keepsake of your favourite pet or a wild animal. Very atmospheric.
I done some snakes which are very lifelike. Remember this summer of snakes with a snake of your own. I can also do your dog.
Articles from other months are linked from the side bar.
Please address all communications for the attention of The Editor, The Mews Office, Market street.
We have a box at the post office for ideas and notes.