Editor: F Lennier. BA (hons) (Mrs)
1 November
Grateful for Success
I'm still here. I don't wish to crow but I would like you to know that I am very grateful for confirming my policies by voting in favour of me. In particular, I am very pleased that the balance was swayed by members of the village whom Doreen Davies assumed would not vote. The events are recorded in our Events Section and the results set out in the Trust Section.
Which is really the point. Because Doreen ignored you - ignored the members of the village who she does not speak to and in whose interests and occupations she has no interest. Thank you to those who listen to music in the Ship Inn. Thank you to those who work hard and commute. Thank you to the quiet majority who do not go to Doreen's charity lectures. I am sure you will read Doreen's observations with an open mind.
Which means I can bring you an edition full of interesting material. We have a letter from the Green Party/Alliance which is self explanatory (or if it isn't then I can't help you), some rather aggressive words from our Handywoman who has gone to ground in her fortified cottage, the outcome of some experiments conducted by our Psychologist and the story of modern musicians and ancient bards.
Finally, we have warnings of poisonous pot-plants and the opportunity to buy them as well as the chance to read new lyrics from Jimmy Keegen and to own signed copies of his and Cold Shoulder's new albums.
It should be an enjoyable read and I hope you all enjoy it. I have prepared it for all those who voted (either way). Thank you again.
Poetess's Pantry
Beautiful words and beautiful thoughts
Jimmy Keegen
A coup - Jimmy Keegen has given us the lyrics of the title song for his new album which will be launched in the new year. Justification at the End
- in case you are wondering.
A countrywoman's guide to England's Nature - Resignation
Camilla Corkerham
A final letter from Mrs Corkerham suggests we will not have any more articles from her. However her explanations are full of quiet dignity, some of which she clearly obtained from her husband Terry.
Tilebury Newspaper Trust
Trust documents and records
Alia Morrow (Chair), Charlyene Brunt-Harris, Paula Parting (Returning officers)
The officials set out the results of the ballot.
Agony Aunt
Solving your personal Problems
Aunt Ali gives sage counsel to the troubled.
Aunt Ali helps a losing candidate at a ballot and a woman who has cut herself off from society.
Handy tips from Tilebury's Handywoman
You can do it - maintaining your defences
Kimberley King (No job too easy - quick and effective maintenance and repairs)
Kimberley insists on our publishing what seems remarkably like a threat.
Events Diary
Forthcoming Events and Recent Festivities
Fiona Davies
Fiona fills in the details of the events of the ballot day. For which I am of course grateful.
Village History
Our Inheritance from our Ancestors - Tilebury's other musician
Dr Harriet Longstepp
We hear about a musician from the middle ages who escaped justice in an imaginative way.
Mens Sana - Village Psychologist
Help keeping your mind healthy
Dr Brenda Dawes-Burritt
Dr Dawes-Burritt has been conducting experiments. We get to benefit from the results.
Parish News
Thoughts from Faith
Rev. Eloise Everrett
Reverend Everrett is still hoping to bring peace and the admiration of her sermons.
Items for Sale - new and pre-loved
Private Sellers - the harbinger takes no responsibility for quality or safety of goods bought.
Current listings of items for sale within the Village. Private sales.
Please address all communications for the attention of The Editor, The Mews Office, Market street.
We have a box at the post office for ideas and notes.